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Sabanci University, EFSUN, Best Paper Competition 2022, 1st place!

1 Oct 2022


The winners of the “Best Article Competition” organized by the Center of Excellence in Functional Surfaces and Interfaces for Nano Diagnosis (EFSUN) of Sabancı University were announced in a Zoom event held on 25 August 2022. The FENS faculty member Prof. Emre Erdem was the presenter of the competition.

24 finalists consisting of distinguished young scientists from different disciplines publishing articles with high impact on Functional Surfaces and Interfaces presented their articles in the event.

The winners of the Best Article Competition were selected by the evaluation committee consisting of well-known and active scientists from different disciplines. The members of the committee carefully evaluated each article and presentation.

Dr Baldemir took the first place with her article titled “Boosting the Osteogenic and Angiogenic Performance of Multiscale Porous Polycaprolactone Scaffolds by In Vitro Generated Extracellular Matrix Decoration’’!

Researc article;

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