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Mike Sellars Medal and Prize in Materials Science and Engineering

1 Jan 2021


Mike Sellars Medal and Prize in Materials Science and Engineering, founded in 2013, has been made possible thanks to the generosity of the family of the late Emeritus Professor Mike Sellars BMet 1956, PhD 1959 and DMet 1982, and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.  Mike was a long standing member of staff and was also awarded the Brunton Medal and the Metallurgical and Engineering Association Prize by the University.


Mike Sellars Medal and Prize is awarded only one PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering annualy based on high quality of PhD thesis based on evaluations of Departmental Committee chaired by the Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

Dr Baldemir won Mike Sellars Medal and Prize in Materials Science and Engineering in 2021!
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